
Real ghost girl caught on video tape 17 (The Haunting)

markapsolon さんが 2011/09/30 にアップロード
The ghost has a surprise for me when I started to find out what really happened in her past. This video tape documents another encounter with the entity. I found out something about her in the last newspaper article. It is very interesting and does not make sense. The paranormal activity has greatly increased sense the taping of this video. I did see her in the lcd screen of the camera but I did not hear or see the orb until after I watched the tape.

At 4:48 She says "A demon"?? It is really hard to understand it

At 5:43 The ghost says "Burn Burn Burn"

At 5:44 a small orb appears at the bottom of the screen just before the ghost appears when the lights come back on.

At 5:50 you hear a growl of some kind. Im not sure what it is. I think its a demon like entity

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