
i must start webapprication server in my home.

everyday, i go to job traning school. at school, teacher teaches us to development Web apprications.

my teacher gived me a homework.
there is homework that i start webapprications server at my home, and can connect internet from outside.

i don't know how to start server at home.
lately, i searched in google, i found web apprication server "apache tomcat" and "apacthe" and "an http".

it's difficult to understand "apache tomcat" and "apache".
first of all, i can't understand there is diffrent "apache tomcat" and "apache".

i think i can barely understand server is "an http" http://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/AN_HTTPD

but, i don't know that TCP/IP and Lan and Network techonogy...

i must done my homework and presention how to start and setting server, and Network techonogy for beginners. (ex, what's server? what's TCP/IP? what's Lan? etc)

i'm troubled...
please could i tell me written website that how to learns Network techonogy and starting, setting server...

bye~ ::

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